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Recipes for you to recreate

Cantuccini (Toscany) = Tozzetti (Umbria)

The basic recipe in Tuscany and Umbria are equal

Ingredients (about 50 pieces):

6 eggs

150 g sugar

200 ml olive oil

300 ml white wine

grated peel of 1 untreated lemon

300 g flour

15 g baking powder

icing sugar


Cream butter with sugar, a pinch of salt, vanilla, sugar and lemon zest. 

First add the eggs one by one, then the almonds and aniseed. Mix everything well.

After mixing the flour and baking powder and pile it all up on the work surface. Now take your fist and make a hole in the centre of your little flavour hill and then pour in the liquid dough, knead everything well.

Form small loaves and bake them for 25 min. at 175°C, when they have cooled down a bit cut them into slices. Now put them back in the oven for another 10 min. until the Tozzetti are lightly browned.

They should be hard enough to be dipped in the famous VIN SANTO as a dessert.

Tegamaccio (Fish soup)

Tegamaccio del Trasimeno

Ingredients (4 people):

800 g mixed fish (eel, pike, tench, perch and whatever else you can find)

1 onion

1 celery stalk

2 cloves of garlic

1 sprig of parsley

400 g tomato puree


Wash the fish, clean them, cut them into pieces. 

Chop the onion, celery, garlic and parsley and fry them in the oil.

Add the pieces of fish according to the order of cooking (and not all together).

Let them flavour and then add the tomato puree, salt and pepper and wait for a nice sauce to form.

Serve it hot.


Some people pour this preparation, which is halfway between a fish stew and a fish soup, on slices of toasted bread rubbed with garlic.

You may also add red hot chilli pepper. 

The tegamaccio is a typical dish of the Lake Trasimeno area, but originally it does come from the area of Lake Chiusi.